FINE PRINTS at Jane Kahan Gallery
As a member of the International Fine Print Dealers Association (IFPDA) since its inception, Jane Kahan Gallery has always offered an outstanding collection of museum-quality prints of all techniques, including lithographs, etchings, linoleum cuts, etc. We handle a wide range of graphic work by 19th and 20th century European and American modern masters with a particularly excellent collection of prints from CHAGALL, PICASSO and MIRO.

A serious dealer’s most important job is to help educate its clientele about art. Prints are a complex subject and even experienced collectors sometimes find it difficult to understand the standards of value, the pitfalls and the opportunities in the works of various artists. The IFPDA has made available an informative resources page with an available for download document “IFPDA Glossary of Printmaking Terms & Techniques” that every new collector should take as a starting point.

Fine art prints are not reproductions of paintings but considered original works created in multiples by the artist. There are many prints that are extremely valuable even though they were not signed.