PAINTINGS at Jane Kahan Gallery

Jean Dufy, “Le Port de Copenhague,” oil on canvas
In addition to top Modern Artists and Contemporary masters like Sonia Delaunay, Sam Francis and Jean Dubuffet, we continue to deal in Impressionist, post-Impressionist, and School of Paris painters such as Gauguin, Vlaminck, Valtat, Henri Martin, Martin-Ferrieres, Jules Herve and numerous others. Alexander Kahan gave Jean Dufy his first show in America, represented Claude Pissarro and was the author of the catalogue raisonne on Eugene Galien-Laloue. Jane Kahan was the world wide agent for the renowned realist/surrealist painter Istvan Sandorfi.

Albert Gleizes, “Composition,” 1921

Leopold Survage, “Figures in a Landscape,” 1938

Gino Severini, “Le Pot orange,” c. 1948