FERNAND LEGER (1881 – 1955), one of the original Cubists, created one of the most distinctive artistic styles of the 20th century. Born in Normandy and apprenticed to an architect before signing a contract with legendary French art dealer Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler who had also discovered Picasso and Braque, Leger progressed beyond the “machine aesthetic” to celebrate modern urban and technological culture on a heroic scale. Example of Leger tapestries:

Leger’s graphic style is instantly recognizable, and he exerted considerable influence on other artists so it is now harder to understand the impact his work had when it first appeared a hundred years ago. Besides his paintings, which now sell for millions of dollars, Leger worked in a wide range of media including tapestry, mosaic, prints and theatre design.

Jane Kahan Gallery is privileged to offer one of the largest selections of important Leger tapestries in the world. Leger was very active in tapestries from the 1930’s on and actively collaborated with the finest Aubusson weavers to create not only tapestries of his best known works, but also of original cartoons designed specifically for this medium. The Leger family also commissioned or approved of tapestries by ateliers that had worked with the artist during his lifetime, many destined for the Leger Museum at Biot.
Leger was very active in ceramics and in 1949 he opened a studio for their creation. The Leger Museum features some of his monumental ceramic murals, and the museum itself was partially financed by the sales of ceramics editions of his works. The Jane Kahan Gallery offers a selection of these editions as well as unique pieces.
Images: © Jane Kahan Gallery/ Fernand Léger/ARS, New York/ADAGP, Paris