PABLO PICASSO (1881 – 1973) practically defined art in the 20th century. A protean creator and a relentless experimenter, Picasso had enormous influence on generations of artists in every medium.
JANE KAHAN GALLERY was one of the first in America to specialize in Picasso ceramic editions and we still maintain a large selection of these works. From 1947 until 1971 over six hundred of Picasso’s designs were recreated in Vallauris in editions ranging from 25 to 500. Picasso also worked on over 3,500 unique pieces, most of which are in museums, though some become available from time to time. The Jane Kahan Gallery is privileged to carry some of these pieces.

Jane Kahan Gallery is particularly experienced in the field of Picasso graphics and is well known as a source of the finest Picasso prints. The artist was particularly prolific in this medium, and produced over 2,500 intaglio prints, lithographs and linocuts.

We are also one of the few galleries in the world that deal in the rare field of Picasso tapestry. Tapestries after some of Pablo Picasso’s most famous paintings, including Les Demoiselles d’Avignon and La Danse, were created in collaboration with Nelson Rockefeller for his personal collection. Leading 20th century Aubusson workshops worked with Picasso including master weaver Yvette Cauquil-Prince.